Welcome to the homepage for the Chaturvedi Lab at the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Tulane University. Research in the lab addresses fundamental questions in evolutionary biology using an “omics” approach. We study the genetic and evolutionary processes that shape genomes to understand the  genetic basis of ecological adaptation, genetic architecture of ecologically important traits, and causes and consequences genetic variation in natural populations on spatial and temporal scales. Our research combines field work, laboratory experiments, molecular genetics methods, bioinformatics, advanced statistical analyses, and computational models to study evolutionary genomics across several taxa. We are committed to broadening participation within the life sciences and improving the communication of science outside the academic realm. 

Follow the links above to learn more about research in the lab, lab personnel, and access lab publications. You can contact me by e-mail at schaturvedi-at-tulane-dot-edu.

“From the vantage point of the origin of life several billion years ago, any particular evolutionary outcome would have seemed improbable. But history happened as it happened and here we are today, the result of billions of years of natural selection and the flukes of history that sent life down one path and not others. Lucky? Yes. Destined, no. We should make the most of our evolutionary good fortune.”

​Jonathan B. Losos, Improbable Destinies – Fate, Chance, and the Improbability of Humans